Build a Sign Language Recognizer

PART 1: Data

Criteria Meet Specification

Prepare data for modeling

  1. Student provides correct alternate feature sets: delta, polar, normalized, and custom.
  2. Student passes unit tests.
  3. Student provides a reasonable explanation for what custom set was chosen and why (Q1).

PART 2: Model Selection

Criteria Meet Specification

Implement model selection techniques

  1. Student correctly implements CV, BIC, and DIC model selection techniques in “”.
  2. Student code runs error-free in notebook, passes unit tests and code review of the algorithms.
  3. Student provides a brief but thoughtful comparison of the selectors (Q2).

PART 3: Recognizer

Criteria Meet Specification

Recognize ASL words

  1. Student implements a recognizer in “” which runs error-free in the notebook and passes all unit tests
  2. Student provides three examples of feature/selector combinations in the submission cells of the notebook.
  3. Student code provides the correct words within <60% WER for at least one of the three examples student provided.
  4. Student provides a summary of results and speculates on how to improve the WER.

Tips to make your project standout:

PART 4: (OPTIONAL) Improve the WER with Language Models

The recognizer you implemented in Part 3 is equivalent to a "0-gram" SLM. Improve the WER with the SLM data provided with the data set in the link above using "1-gram", "2-gram", and/or "3-gram" statistics.